Go! Aspect-Oriented Framework

Aspect-Oriented Programming in PHP.

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Quick Pointcut Reference

Method execution

Syntax: execution(MemberModifiers ClassFilter[::|->]NamePattern(*))

  • execution(public Example->method(*)) - Every execution of public method with the name “method” in the class “Example”
  • execution(public Example->method1|method2(*)) - Every execution of one of the methods: “method1” or “method2” in the class “Example”
  • execution(* Example\Aspect\*->method*(*)) - Execution of public or protected methods that have “method” prefix in their names and that methods are also inside “Example\Aspect” subnamespace (only single subnamespace)
  • execution(public **::staticMethods(*)) - Every execution of any public static method “staticMethods” in every namespace (except global one)

Annotation syntax: @execution(NamespacePattern)

  • @execution(Demo\Annotation\Cacheable) - Every execution of any method that has “Demo\Annotation\Cacheable” annotation in the docBlock

Property access

Syntax: access(MemberModifiers ClassFilter->NamePattern)

  • access(public Example\Demo->test) - Every access to the public property “test” in the class “Example\Demo”
  • access(* Example\Aspect\*->fieldName) - Every access (read and write) to a property “fieldName” (both protected and public) which belongs to a classes inside “Example\Aspect” subnamespace.
  • access(protected **->someProtected*Property) - Every access to the protected properties with names, that match “someProtected*Property” pattern in all classes.

Annotation syntax: @access(NamespacePattern)

  • @access(Demo\Annotation\Cacheable) - Every access to the property that has “Demo\Annotation\Cacheable” annotation in the docBlock

Function execution

Syntax: execution(NamespacePattern(*))

  • execution(**\file_get_contents()) - Every execution of system function “file_get_contents” within all namespaces
  • execution(Example\Aspect\array_*(*)) - Every execution of any system function “array_*” within “Example\Aspect” namespace


Syntax: initialization(NamespacePattern)

  • initialization(Demo\Example) - Every initialization of object “Demo\Example” when “new Demo\Example()” is called
  • initialization(Demo\**) - Every initialization of object within “Demo” subnamespaces.

Syntax: staticinitialization(NamespacePattern)

  • staticinitialization(Demo\Example) - First time when the class “Demo\Example” is loaded into the memory of PHP
  • staticinitialization(Demo\**) - First time of loading of any class within “Demo” subnamespace into the memory of PHP

Lexical pointcuts

Syntax: within(ClassFilter)

  • within(Demo\Example) - Every property access, method execution, initialization within “Demo\Example” class
  • @within(Demo\Annotation\Loggable) - Every property access, method execution, initialization within class that has “Demo\Annotation\Loggable” annotation in the docBlock

Logical combination

Logical negation syntax: !Pointcut

  • !execution(public **->*(*)) - Every execution of any method that is not public.

Logical conjunction syntax: Pointcut && Pointcut

  • execution(* Demo->*(*)) && execution(public **->*(*)) - Every execution of public method in the class “Demo”

Logical disjunction syntax: Pointcut || Pointcut

  • access(public Demo->foo) || access(public Another->bar) - Every access to the properties “Demo->foo” or “Another->bar”

Grouping pointcuts with parenthesis syntax: (Pointcut)

  • (access(* Demo->*) || access(* Another->*)) && access(public **->*)
